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SALE: 10% off

TOKO Wax Scraper Sharpner

Item #:cd15792

Original Price:4950JPY


29.48 $(USD)


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  • EMS
  • SF Express
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【 Details 】

  TOKO TOKO is the sharpener that can be efficiently sharpen the

scraper plastic scraper sharpener

angle is rounded to speedy.

in order of use: at once pull you the scraper a scraper to guide you to select the guide (3, 4, 5, 6 mm) that match the scraper you want to rebuild the
match on
blade against diagonally. Until
angle becomes sharp, and repeat.

(Note): Depending on sharpening the way and force acceleration, you may encounter irregularities on the scraper edge.
In this case, please fix the
sides straight sharpening in the longer radial file.

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